The project

about Armenia

The initiative to our project can be traced back to our first visit to Armenia with its experiences, impressions and contacts. It all began in the 90’s with the intention to help the rural Armenian population, since the country was economically destitute; a lot of the people did not have work or income.
The purpose is to not set up tourism on a grand scale like the infrastructure that existed during the Soviet era, which is now in ruins, but to invoke a more gentle individual tourism that improves the income possibilities of the local people who generally have no work at all.

The core of the whole project still consists of our diversified travel arrangements, where people from Switzerland and Europe can come to visit the landmarks and the inhabitants of Armenia.

Another part of the project, that slowly begins to flourish, is the export of natural agricultural products (i.e. honey, dried fruits and spices) to Switzerland. The quality of these products is extraordinary, considering that the cultivation of produce on barren and infertile ground is so labour intensive. Inside the country, there is little sales potential caused by difficult conditions for transport and a destitute market.

Technology transfer is a topic as well: Dispensable or outmoded devices that have been sorted out in Switzerland can still be very useful in Armenia.

All the projects within this range are based on local contacts, initiatives and requests.
The target is always:
  • To support and use the local Armenian resources (i.e. workforce, landscape, cultural assets, agriculture)
  • To support the interest of the local population towards self-sufficiency, stabilisation and a life in human dignity.

ZIRAN is the Armenian word for APRICOT, in Latin: PRUNUS ARMENIACA.
The apricot is an Armenian native fruit. It can be found at differing altitudes and appears in a variety of breeds. The apricot is one of the typical symbols for Armenia; it represents Armenia’s ancient and original culture and its way into a fruitful future.
